Frequently Asked Questions
Are there uniforms?
Yes. For the Kindergarten through 8th grade there is a uniform. Please consult the handbook for more information. For 9th through 12th grade there is a different uniform. Please consult the uniform guidelines here.
Is there a Lunch Program?
Yes. You can order every morning, once a week, or never. We provide lunches and you have the option to buy or bring a sack lunch
Does GBCA provide transportation?
No. But we do work with a busing company that will pick your child up for a fee. Please go to our Busing page for more information.
I am homeschooling, can my child take just one class?
Yes. You can take one class to three classes. For more information call the school check the Course Catalog page.
Can my preschool aged child come in just one day a week?
Yes. You make your own schedule. For more information about the preschool visit here, or call 508.431.8159.